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Song of songs in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2021-10-31Updated:2021-10-31
Similar words: song of solomonsongstersingsongsongstresssongsonghaifor a songsongbirdMeaning: n. an Old Testament book consisting of a collection of love poems traditionally attributed to Solomon but actually written much later. 
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1. It is the song of songs.
2. The song of songs, which is Solomon's.
3. The Song of Songs is about human love, sex, all of that wrapped up together.
4. Song of Songs in the Old Testament is the only poetic anthology that takes love as its theme.
5. Song of Songs - as Song of Solomon or Canticle of Canticles - speaks of Solomon's marriage to Holy Sophia.
6. They also say "Song of Songs" is about Sophia and her relationship with Solomon .
7. Solomon's Song of Songs.
8. How you used to read me the Song of Songs, remember?
9. The Song of Songs written by King Solomon is God's instruction book to guide us to His gift of marital love and sex.
10. In the "Song of Songs" we hear the bride's voice saying, "My Beloved is mine, and I am His.
11. In her own writings she went considerably beyond the biblical Song of Songs or even Hindu devotional language in her descriptions.
12. This I think is so interesting because Bernard is preaching on the Song of Songs, to us moderns it just looks like a love poem.
13. But it was read allegorically throughout the church, and even Rabbinic Judaism read the Song of Songs as being about God and people Israel.
14. The paper was called: Crudity, Prudery, And Treachery: Translating Sex in the Song of Songs.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. The vineyards of Ein Gedi produced glorious henna flowers that the singer of the Song of Songs compares to his beloved.
16. If it is lovemaking, then the opening lines of the Song of Songs, sometimes called the Song of Solomon, raises some serious and Biblically sticky questions.
17. He feels dry,and barren, and so Bernard's using the erotic of the Song of Songs to enliven the daily office of the monastery for the monks.
18. Like this one big paragraph I quoted,and I quote it again now, this is the young woman in the Song of Songs speaking in his sermon.
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